A fotografije posnete pred 15.9. ne veljajo?
As hunters, we need to stand strong, unite as one and NEVER apologize for being who we are! We should focus our energy on being the best hunters we can be by challenging ourselves to be ethical, respectful and responsible so as to humbly uphold our proud heritage. Now, let´€s get out there and enjoy the great outdoors!
Eva Shockey
Veljajo vse fotografije posnete leta 2014. Datum 15.9.2014 - 16.10.2014 označuje samo obdobje zbiranja fotografij.
Naknadno spremenjeno: Datum posnetka fotografije ni pomemben.
Matic, odlična je.
Samo obrazni del bi moral zakrit. Če inf. pooblaščenka vidi. Pa javna objava.
Sam nimam kamere. Je pa veselje videti slike. Pred kratkim sem jih kazal protilovsko nastrojenemu ljubljančanu. Zelo je bil pozitivno presenečen. Je odkril drug pogled na divjad in lovstvo.
Če komentarji tukaj niso predvideni naj se post zbriše.
As hunters, we need to stand strong, unite as one and NEVER apologize for being who we are! We should focus our energy on being the best hunters we can be by challenging ourselves to be ethical, respectful and responsible so as to humbly uphold our proud heritage. Now, let´€s get out there and enjoy the great outdoors!
Eva Shockey
Super! Hvala za prve slike. Kar tako naprej!