View Full Version : Hunting in Mongolia.
Hound Hunter
9. March 2010, 06:03
Gday Forum Lov members, i have just got back from a hunting trip to the Gobi Desert in Mongolia and have asked the Admin to open a new thread so that i can share some of my stories and photos with you guys.
All members are more than welcome to ask me any questions they like about Mongolia and the hunting opportunity's Mongolia has to offer.
Cheers Hound Hunter. :beer:
Hound Hunter
9. March 2010, 06:44
Here are a few photos of the Gobi Ibex i was fortunate enough to take on the second day of hunting.
Hound Hunter
9. March 2010, 07:15
Here are a few more photos of me carrying my Ibex down the mountain.
:icon_confused: You carryed it by yourself. It's not a rabbit!
Nice trophy.:icon_lol:
Can you tell us more about hunting?
Maybe you can write a whole story and send it to me. I would like to publish it in english as newspaper article in our Forum-Lov pages.
If you agree of course.
9. March 2010, 09:11
Great animal! And you sure seem to be full of stamina, carying it so easily in thin air of those heights :icon_smile:
Hound Hunter
9. March 2010, 13:48
:icon_confused: You carryed it by yourself. It's not a rabbit!
Nice trophy.:icon_lol:
Can you tell us more about hunting?
Maybe you can write a whole story and send it to me. I would like to publish it in english as newspaper article in our Forum-Lov pages.
If you agree of course.
Thanks ZR7,
yeah definitely not a rabbit, i estimated it's weight to be around 50-55kg and i did need some help getting it up onto my shoulders. The guys that were with me when i fired the shot thought that i missed and headed off in a different direction looking for a live animal and must have walked within 5-10 meters of him.
I was 100% sure of the shot as the animal was trotting away sky-lined on the ridge line, so i stayed up high and walked to another high ridge and had a quick look into another valley before starting to glass with my binoculars back into the gully's below the ridge line where the Ibex was last seen and i spotted his horns laying in a gully not more than 40 metres from where he was when i fired the shot.
It took me another 20 minutes to walk to another ridge before i spotted the guys waiting in 1 of the cars down in the valley below and managed to signal one of the Mongolians who was looking up at the mountains through a spotting scope by holding my rifle up above my head and trying making shapes with hand signals like Ibex horns. :icon_biggrin:
It wasn't long before the guys started jumping out of the car back out into the freezing cold and started hugging each other as they realized that i had found my Ibex. It was about another 35 minutes before the guys were able to climb back up to where i was waiting for them to give me a hand to get the Ibex up onto my shoulders.
I have some video footage as i took the shot and also as i carried the Ibex back down the mountain that i will upload to YouTube when i have some more time.
ZR7, no problem about the article, I'll do my best to write a story about the hunt in Mongolia although it might take me a little time.
I have many more photos of Mongolia and the other game animals we shot while there, that i will post on the forum in the coming weeks.
ZR7, no problem about the article, I'll do my best to write a story about the hunt in Mongolia although it might take me a little time.
I have many more photos of Mongolia and the other game animals we shot while there, that i will post on the forum in the coming weeks.
:icon_biggrin:Thanks! :icon_biggrin:
Hound Hunter
9. March 2010, 14:02
Great animal! And you sure seem to be full of stamina, carrying it so easily in thin air of those heights :icon_smile:
Hey Grizzly Adams, Thanks.!
I'm not sure about the stamina but you sure are correct about the thin air and bloody cold too.
I have never experienced anything like it here in Australia, i would have to say it was one of the hardest hunts i have ever been on and though my lungs would burst on many of the climbs up the mountains.
It's definitely not a hunt for anyone without a reasonable level of fitness.
Lovski blagor! Nice ibex. Hope you didn't have to carry him too far....:icon_confused:
Hound Hunter
16. March 2010, 12:09
Lovski blagor! Nice ibex. Hope you didn't have to carry him too far....:icon_confused:
Lovska hvala jvpv.!
No luckily for me it wasn't too far, only about 50 metres up hill before we spotted the guys driving up a small gully below us then another 300 or so back down hill. :icon_confused:
Here are a few photos of the Ibex Domonic shot on the first days hunt.
16. March 2010, 13:29
HH which caliber's were used? Yust from curiosity..
16. March 2010, 16:35
mislim da je omenju Whaeterby 338 al nekaj takega.
Hound Hunter
17. March 2010, 10:35
HH which caliber's were used? Yust from curiosity..
mislim da je omenju Whaeterby 338 al nekaj takega.
No Luka, unfortunately after having so much trouble obtaining all the necessary export permits and import permits for my .340 Weatherby Magnum the guy we hunted with in Mongolia wasn't able to organize the necessary import permits for us at his end due to a change of law there early this year, :icon_sad:
but he did organize a choice of a few other rifles for us.
I shot my Ibex with a 7mm Remington magnum, Dom shot his with a .223 Rem and Leon also shot his Ibex with the 7mm Mag. I'll post some photos of Leon's Ibex when my Internet connection starts to run a little better.
We also hunted Black Tail Gazelle which Dom and I shot with a Russian AK and also used another rifle in 7,39mm.
Cheers Hound Hunter.
17. March 2010, 14:37
...Dom shot his with a .223 Rem...
Cheers Hound Hunter.
17. March 2010, 22:53
I shot my Ibex with a 7mm Remington magnum, Dom shot his with a .223 Rem...
Isn't 223 rem little bit weak for ibex?
Hound Hunter
18. March 2010, 09:55
Isn't 223 rem little bit weak for ibex?
I guess you are right, but he didn't have a choice at the time as i was carrying the 7mm Rem and Leon had the 7,39 and we were hunting high on the opposite side of the mountain.
But sometimes it doesn't take a big calibre to get the job done and he hit the Ibex high in the shoulder breaking the spine with the bullet exiting out the opposite shoulder dropping the animal on the spot.
Hound Hunter
24. March 2010, 12:47
Here are some photos of Leon's Ibex that he shot after many days of glassing and hunting many different mountain systems.
I spotted a great Ibex that morning at a range of about 3km but unfortunately he was too smart and cunning to allow Leon to get within range of him , but Dom did get some video of him and in time I'll upload some video and post the link.
Well Done Leon for a great stalk/hunt and the Ibex you shot will be a great memory for the rest of your life.! :icon_wink:
18. April 2010, 20:31
Lovski blagor HH!
I also have some questions about this hunt in Mongolia. What time of the year were you there and at what altitude were you hunting? I would also like to ask how many animals have you saw before shooting the big ibex, or was this big animal the first one you saw?
Best regards, to down under. ;)
Hound Hunter
2. May 2010, 09:14
Lovska hvala De Tomasa.!
The altitude we hunted in varied from about 2400m to 3960m and the mountain range where i shot my Ibex was 2825m at the highest point.
We hunted there in late February to early March.
We didn't see many large male Ibex, the first morning of our hunt we spotted about 9 Ibex, mainly females with 1 young male in the mountain range behind our camp. Later that day we traveled to another small mountain range about 30km from camp and spotted 2 good looking trophy animals from a range of about 4km, these Mongolian have great eyesight :icon_smile: and even after they adjusted the spotting scope onto the animals it took us a while to pick out the animals from the landscape.!
We then drove closer to this mountain and made a climb up to the top where we spotted a further 4 Ibex but unfortunately only females and 1 young male, with no sign of the 2 big males we spotted earlier.
We then split up with Leon and i walking one ridge and Domonic and Nyamma walking another trying to find the males.
Later in the day as Leon and i walked back down off the mountain we caught up with a couple of the Mongolians who explained to us using sign language that Domonic had shot an Ibex. It turned out that as Nyamma and Domonic were descending the mountain back to the car they spotted a male Ibex looking down at them from a cliff and as Domonic lined up for a shot it disappeared with another larger male taking it's place immediately, Dom fired the .223 and the rest is history.
I shot my Ibex the next day on a mountain range a further 160km south towards the Chinese border where we spotted about 13 animals in total during the day made up of females and young. I shot my Ibex as we were walking out of a small valley and spotted him running over a small ridge out of sight. I ran down this valley and then back up a small hill to try to get another look at him and spotted him again on a high face heading towards a ridge and had to fire quickly and being completely out of breath and the animal changing direction as a fired i missed my first shot, he changed direction again this time heading up hill onto another ridge line. My rifle jammed as i tried to reload and had to feed another cartridge into the breech by hand and just managed to get off another shot as the animal stepped over the ridge, thankfully the shot was good and i ended up finding the animal not too far down the other side.
I have to say that both Domonic and I were very lucky with our hunts as both Ibex score up in the top 3 in the world ( SCI points) for Gobi Ibex !, in Domonics words we were both kissed on the .... by a fairy. :icon_lol:
A few photos from the top 3590m.
Cheers Hound Hunter :beer:
Hound Hunter
2. May 2010, 09:51
A few photos of our Black Tail Gazelle and one terrorist. :icon_lol: :icon_redface:
Cheers Hound Hunter
Hound Hunter:icon_redface:....
Ha ha , last trophy on last picture is very interesting.:icon_wink:
Hound Hunter
2. May 2010, 10:33
True, I'm still trying to find a taxidermist who will mount this trophy for me. :icon_twisted:
22. December 2010, 16:15
I'm interesed in hunting
Hound Hunter
25. December 2010, 03:47
Hey Katja, welcome to the forum.!
I'm interesed in hunting
So what are you interested in hunting.? :icon_biggrin:
You can send me a private message if you like.!
Cheers Hound Hunter :beer:
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